Composite impact and rolling wear properties of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo medium manganese wear-resistant steel

Composite impact and rolling wear properties of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo medium manganese wear-resistant steel

    The 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo medium-manganese wear-resistant steel is a promising candidate for industrial wear applications. Because of its increased strength, durability, and very high wear resistance, it has good potential as a replacement for medium-carbon steels. In order to determine the suitability of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel for wear applications, a comprehensive comparison of its abrasive wear, composite impact wear, and rolling contact fatigue (RCF) behavior must be determined.
    Abrasive wear
    Abrasive wear is an important parameter when selecting a material for wear applications. This type of wear occurs when abrasive particles chip away at material surfaces. Abrasive wear resistance of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel was measured using a modified dry sand rubber wheel test. In this test, a pre-weighted abrasive wheel is rotated against a sample at a constant speed. The weight loss of the sample is then recorded after a specific number of rotations. Results from this test showed that 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel has excellent wear resistance and is suitable for use in wear applications.
    Composite Impact Wear
    Composite impact wear occurs when an impacting object strikes the sample material, resulting in plastic deformation of the surface. In order to measure the composite impact wear resistance of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel, a modified tumbling wear test was used. In this test, pre-prepared steel specimens were placed in a container and tumbled with abrasive impacts. The weight loss of the specimens was measured after a specific number of impacts. Results from this test showed that 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel has excellent impact wear resistance, indicating it is suitable for wear applications.
    Rolling Contact Fatigue
    Rolling contact fatigue is a type of wear that occurs when two materials slide against each other. This type of wear is important to consider when selecting a material for rolling contact applications. In order to determine the rolling contact fatigue behavior of 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel, a modified four-ball test was used. In this test, three pre-prepared steel balls are loaded against a fourth, stationary ball. Results from this test showed that 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo steel has excellent rolling contact fatigue resistance, making it suitable for rolling contact wear applications.
    Overall, 0.9C-9Mn-2Cr-Mo medium manganese wear-resistant steel demonstrates excellent abrasive wear, composite impact wear, and rolling contact fatigue resistance. It is therefore a promising candidate for wear applications where medium carbon steels are typically used. As such, it has the potential to significantly reduce wear and corrosion rates, leading to increased service life and reduced maintenance costs.

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