Effect of Tempering Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of NM600 Wear-resistant Steel
Wear-resistant steel is an important family of materials employed in engineering where a variety of rigid components are required that are capable of withstanding large amounts of wear and tear. Certain steels have been specifically designed to be highly resistant to wear, such as the NM600 steel. Tempering is a critical heat treatment process used to modify the microstructure and hence the mechanical properties of wear-resistant steels. The exact effects of tempering will vary significantly depending on the tempering temperature employed.
In this article, the effects of tempering temperature on the microstructure and properties of the NM600 wear-resistant steel are investigated. The impact of different tempering temperatures on the hardness, yield strength and fatigue limit of the steel will be explored.
NM600 Wear-Resistant Steel
NM600 wear-resistant steel is an alloy steel that has been developed for applications demanding maximum toughness and wear resistance. The steel features a range of advantages, including superior wear resistance, high hardness and impact resistance, good high-temperature strength and good weldability [1]. These properties make it well-suited for applications where high wear resistance is required, including high-intensity construction machinery and blades.
The chemical composition of NM600 wear-resistant steel is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Chemical composition of NM600 wear-resistant steel [2]
Element wt. % C 0.70 Si 0.20 Mn 1.20 P 0.011 S 0.010 Cr 0.60 Mo 0.15 V 0.80 Ti 0.04 Al 0.06
Effect of Tempering Temperature
Tempering is the most common heat treatment process employed to modify the properties of a steel to meet the requirements of a specific application. Tempering involves heating the steel to a temperature below its critical transformation temperature, followed by cooling [3]. This heat treatment can improve the strength, ductility, toughness and impact resistance of the steel while reducing its hardness.
The tempering temperature has a significant effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the NM600 wear-resistant steel. Figure 1 shows the effect of tempering on the hardness of the steel. As the tempering temperature increases, the hardness of the steel decreases. This is due to the reduction in the size and number of carbides, which are responsible for the hardness of the steel.
Figure 1. Effect of tempering temperature on the hardness of NM600 wear-resistant steel
Figure 2 shows the effect of tempering temperature on the yield strength of the NM600 wear-resistant steel. As the tempering temperature increases, the yield strength of the steel decreases. This decrease is attributed to the reduction of dislocation density as a result of tempering.
Figure 2. Effect of tempering temperature on the yield strength of NM600 wear-resistant steel
The effect of tempering temperature on the fatigue limit of the NM600 wear-resistant steel is presented in Figure 3. As the tempering temperature increases, the fatigue limit of the steel increases. This increase is attributed to the improved ductility of the steel due to tempering, which allows it to better withstand cyclic loading.
Figure 3. Effect of tempering temperature on the fatigue limit of NM600 wear-resistant steel
The tempering temperature has an important effect on the microstructure and properties of the NM600 wear-resistant steel. As the tempering temperature increases, the hardness of the steel decreases, while the yield strength and fatigue limit of the steel increase. The optimal tempering temperature for the various applications of NM600 steel must be selected carefully to ensure that the desired properties are achieved.
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