Evolution law of microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel thickness section

Evolution law of microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel thickness section

    Wear-resistant steel is a kind of engineering material widely used in mechanical, metallurgical, and other industrial fields. It has excellent wear resistance and high strength, and is also very popular among metal users. The thickness section has great influence on the microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel. Detail information as below:
    Evolution of Microstructure and Properties
    In the process of wear-resistant steel thickness section, the microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel will also change in a very subtle way.
    The original lath-shaped microstructure will be replaced by a lamellar microstructure. The fine grain particles are more abundant and equiaxial, which can effectively improve the wear resistance of wear-resistant steel.
    Due to the presence of mixed grains, the strength of wear-resistant steel is improved. The presence of carbides causes dispersion hardening and gives wear-resistant steel high hardness and wear resistance.
    Meanwhile, due to the effect of cold working and stress release, the toughness and impact resistance of wear-resistant steel are significantly improved.
    Figure 1. Evolution of microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel with increasing thickness
    In summary, with the increase of wear-resistant steel thickness section, the microstructure becomes finer and more uniform, and the strength, wear resistance, impact toughness and other properties are all improved.
    In conclusion, the microstructure and properties of wear-resistant steel will change in a subtle way with the increase of wear-resistant steel thickness section, and the performance of wear-resistant steel will also be improved. It is of great significance to the development of mechanical and metallurgical industry, and it should be paid more attention by all users.

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