HARDOX550 wear-resistant steel

HARDOX550 is a wear-resistant steel plate. It is mainly aimed at users and manufacturers who use high manganese steel or wear-resistant steel plates with a Brinell hardness of 500. […]

HARDOX500 wear plate

HARDOX500 wear-resistant plate is a wear-resistant steel plate with a Brinell hardness of 500HB, which is mainly used in anti-wear conditions. […]

HARDOX450 wear-resistant steel

Hardox450 is a wear-resistant steel with a nominal hardness of 450HBW and an actual hardness range of 420-480HB. […]

HARDOX wear-resistant steel plate

HARDOX wear-resistant steel plates stand the test of day after day, year after year in the harshest industrial and mining environments, and are used to manufacture the highest quality equipment and spare parts and maximize their service life and minimize […]

HARDOX 400 wear-resistant plate

Mechanical properties of HARDOX400 wear-resistant steel: Yield strength Re=1000MPa. Tensile strength Rm=1250MPa. Elongation A5=10% (typical value for 20mm thick steel plate). […]