API 5L X56 chemical composition requirements:
C: ≤0.28(seamless) ≤0.26(welded)
Mn: ≤1.40
S: ≤0.030
Ni: ≤0.50
Mo: ≤0.15
*V+Nb+Ti: ≤0.15
*For every 0.01% decrease in carbon content, manganese content can be increased by 0.05% up to a maximum of 1.75%
API 5L X56 mechanical properties requirements:
Yield strength: ≥390Mpa
Tensile strength: ≥490Mpa
Weld tensile strength of welded steel pipe: ≥490Mpa
Elongation: ≥1940* AXC0.2/4900.9 where AXC is the cross-sectional area of the tensile specimen
The performance of API 5L X56 pipe is similar to that of QBe2, but its strength, elasticity and wear resistance are slightly higher than that of QBe2, and its toughness and plasticity are slightly lower.
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