Rare earth modified ultra-high strength wear-resistant steel is one of the most advanced materials with superior wear-resistant […]
Heat treatment process of rare earth modified ultra-high strength wear-resistant steel
Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of New Lightweight Austenitic Wear-resistan
Heat treatment is a crucial process in the manufacturing of steel products. It involves the altering of the properties of a meta […]
Continuous Cooling Curve and Phase Transformation Law of 65MnCr Wear-resistant Steel
65MnCr wear-resistant steel is a low alloy steel with high strength, abrasion resistance and good dimensional stability, making […]
Structural Studies of Welds in Wear-Resistant Steels
This paper contextualizes the structural properties of welds in wear-resistant steels and the performance of new welding techniques to be applied in h […]
Heat Treatment of Wear Resistant Steels for Mud Pumps
The mud pump is a critical component of oil and gas drilling operations. It is used to circulate drilling fluid throughout the wellbore, providing cri […]